Samick Electric and Acoustic Guitar

Samick Acoustic Guitar
Samick Music Corporation has proudly held its reputation as the large instrument manufacturer in the world. They have already made grand pianos, electric guitar, upright pianos, amplifiers, and classical acoustic guitar. And the most famous instrument is Samick acoustic guitar. The most prestigious products that Samick Music Corporation have produced are the line of Samick electric guitar and Samick acoustic guitar, which already have captivated the music world.

Samick acoustic guitar have been known by their world-wide manufacturing and durability. Samick acoustic guitar have both budget models and high-end models with features. Samick have made acoustic guitars as well as the electric one, which is released under their child company, called Greg Bennett. Samick acoustic guitar have been popular in many variations of music; from country, pop, folk, and classic rock. Even though their Silvertone model guitar have been specially designed with metal, hard rock, and alternatives. Samick acoustic guitar have been used by many people, even the famous artist, like Pete Townsend and Melissa Ethridge.

Different from Yamaha acoustic guitars Samick acoustic guitar family have grown for years with the addition of child instrument manufacturers, such as Kohler and Campbell, Kohler Digital, Knabe, Pramberger, Silvertone, Sohmer, and Remington. Samick Music Corporation is one of largest musical instrument manufacturers in world, and based out of Korea. Before it become the famous Samick acoustic guitar manufacturers, It began as Samick Pianos since 1958, and first released the upright pianos. In 1960, Samick began to produce the instrument for other companies. They begin to manufacturing its own design piano. The next thirty two years, Samick marked the P.T. Samick factory building in Cilesungi, Indonesia, where produce and create the best Samick acoustic guitar.

Many quality brand names have been acquired by Samick Corporation in years. Samick still continue to produce and build guitars for the other guitar maker, such as Gibson, Epiphone, and Washbum. Samick acoustic guitar have been made since 40 years ago, when Samick asked Greg Bennet to remade Samick entire line of guitars. The sturdiness and sound quality are have been already became the reputable things for Samick Co., but they still want to instill in stringed instruments. Samick acoustic guitar have craved the high end and sound quality. Samick acoustic guitar has been widely available all around the world, with a competitive priced and win some awards for many years.